Amazon Prime Video India announced its new original film Putham Pudhu Kaalai, an anthology of five short films directed by...
Disney+ Hotstar announced its third original movie under its Hotstar Specials banner in form of Bahut Hua Sammaan. The film...
Weeks after finally launching its landline service for its broadband customers, Tata Sky Broadband has now come out with another...
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) today amended the Telecom Consumers Protection (Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 2020 empowering the consumers...
Telecom equipments major HFCL is looking to identify and design a family of 5G products to take advantage of 5G...
Hoichoi earlier this month revealed its plan to revamap its Mobile & TV apps and website soon with a sneak peek of...
E-commerce giant Amazon earlier this week teased its Great Indian Festival ahead of the upcoming festive season. The Great Indian...
Samsung has launched the Galaxy Tab A7 in India. It comes in Dark Gray, Gold, and Silver color options and...