OnlyTech is constantly looking for good writers and offering opportunities for volunteers to join our news team and share their knowledge with the community. As a writer for OnlyTech, you will benefit from the following:
- Gain experience as a writer
- Get credited for published work
- You’ll have your own byline and a journalist page along with adding your social network sites with your bio and an index of the stories you’ve written here!
- You will be able to leverage your position as a OnlyTech journalist to contact companies, press agents and sources. You’ll use these relationships to strengthen your stories and build your expertise.
- Expose your work to thousands of readers around the world
- Be part of a team sharing a common interest in Telecom and Technology industries
- You do not have to be a professional writer to write for OnlyTech, but you do have to demonstrate your ability to write grammatically correct and think creatively, as well as some familiarity with technology and telecom industry.
If you think you can meet (or exceed) the quality of our work, please write and send a short article to us to evaluate your writing skills. The sample work need not be perfect, however, it should be error-free to give us an indication of your current skill level. Also include some basic information about yourself and your experience with the industry.
Should your submission show enough promise, together we will decide on a first assignment specifically for OnlyTech. After completing the editing process to polish up that article for publication, you’d be officially hired and already have your first contribution prepared.
Want to write at OnlyTech?
Please Contact Us to join.