34 PDOA and App provider registrations issued under PM-WANI; Delhi based i2ei launches PDO under PM-WANI

As per the data from Saral Sanchar, the body has issued 22 PDOA registrations and 12 app provider registrations.

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By Basil Kannagi Arasu

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In less than 20 days since the Department of Telecom (DoT) kicked off the registration of app providers and PDOAs more than 30 PDOAs and app providers have been registered by DoT. As per the data from Saral Sanchar, the body has issued 22 PDOA registrations and 12 app provider registrations. The names of the PDOAs and app providers remain unknown for the time being.

34 PDOA and App provider registrations issued under PM-WANI; Delhi based i2ei launches PDO under PM-WANI

Post the registration, entities are to approach the Central Registry being handled by C-DOT for certification of their system and application software. As per C-DOT data, as of today, the body has certified 14 PDOAs and 7 app providers with 7 access points already deployed.

34 PDOA and App provider registrations issued under PM-WANI; Delhi based i2ei launches PDO under PM-WANI

Meanwhile, Delhi-based start-up i2ei yesterday launched its PDO services under the PM-WANI initiative claiming to be the first PM-WANI compliant Wi-Fi company in India. The company has also taken the lead by conducting the 1st PDO partner conference in Delhi last week. The company is looking to make PDOs a reality with a MagicBox hotspot.

The company will offer residents in South Delhi to access 50Mbps high-speed internet speed and unlimited internet at Rs 5 per day with no registration,

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Basil Kannagi Arasu

News Reporter

1659 articles published
Basil keeps an eye on the latest happenings in the Telecom sector. You can find him streaming the Premier League, which he started watching in 2013, in his free time.

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2 thoughts on “34 PDOA and App provider registrations issued under PM-WANI; Delhi based i2ei launches PDO under PM-WANI”

  1. Am interested for PM Wani, i have good internet speed with router and etc., i need an app so that i can start it immediately as i have all necessary infrastructure like router, internets etc.


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