Ratched, a psychological thriller created by Evan Romansky and executive produced with Ian Brennan (Glee) and Ryan Murphy (American Horror...
Netflix benefits are now available for redemption on the eligible JioFiber plans which can be availed from the MyJio app....
Californian streaming behemoth Netflix is now allowing nonsubscribers to watch Netflix original series and movies for free without creating a...
Netflix announced they are developing a live-action series building on Capcom’s massive Resident Evil franchise with Supernatural scribe Andrew Dabb...
Netflix is now testing out Shuffle Play feature which plays random titles for indecisive viewers based on their viewing patterns....
Californian streaming giant Netflix today introduced the Hindi user interface on TV, web, and mobile applications. This is the first...
Californian streaming behemoth Netflix is currently testing variable playback speed on android devices, which was rolled out for beta testers....
Netflix is rolling out on Nest smart displays globally wherever the service and Nest devices are currently available, Google said...