Ratched, a psychological thriller created by Evan Romansky and executive produced with Ian Brennan (Glee) and Ryan Murphy (American Horror...
Netflix benefits are now available for redemption on the eligible JioFiber plans which can be availed from the MyJio app....
It was just yesterday that Vodafone Idea unveiled its fresh unified brand identity Vi and within 24 hours we have...
POCO M2 has been launched in India today through a virtual event as a toned down POCO M2 Pro and...
PUBG Mobile, which was recently banned by the Government of India, due to privacy and security reasons, is trying to...
JioFiber has further strengthened its offerings on JioFiber set-top box with the onboarding of IN10 Media’s over the top (OTT)...
Weeks after Voot content onboarded Airtel Xstream, Bharti Airtel today announced its partnership with Voot to onboard more premium digital...
The culmination of the world’s largest telecom integration which led to the unveiling of a unified brand identity ‘Vi‘ has...