No distinction between Domestic and International OSPs to bring in better synergies among businesses.
Changes and updates in policy by TRAI and MIB are listed here.
DoT prepared Draft Guidelines for Registration Processs of M2M Service Providers (M2MSP) & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Provider for M2M Services.
TEC floats paper to adopt TSDSI standard for One M2M Release-3 alongside paper for adopting 5Gi standard.
TEC sends out consultation paper on adoption of 5Gi standards as proposed by TSDSI. Stakeholders offered 30 days to send...
What, When, and Where of RCom's Telecom Licensing as it approaches DoT to renew expiring licenses.
DoT amends PLI guidelines to replace Global Manufacturing Revenue with Global Revenue.
DoT fires reminder to licensees to immediately comply with amendments to Telecom Licenses by DoT to implement National Security Directive.
Trusted Telecom Portal launched officially by NCSC marking the advent of the National Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector.