The comedy and voice performances of the actors have helped the film to be entertaining, even though the screenplay itself...
OTT Content
Internet streaming media services content updates.
The series follows Warwick Davis' Willow and his unlikely crew of heroes on a quest to protect Andowyne as he...
The holiday special written and directed by James Gunn is deeply rooted in the holiday themes and is a hilarious...
The true-crime drama hails from Robert Seigel and deals with the mayhem surrounding the life of Chippendales' founder Somen 'Steve'...
The film by Adam Shankman fails to live up to Enchanted legacy but has the right intentions at its core...
This season substantially tones down the societal commentary compared to its predecessor. However, it revolves around gender, and sexism among...
The veteran MCU composer Michael Giacchino in his directorial debut pays homage to classic horror films in a very entertaining...
House of the Dragon is a very good stepping point for the revitalization of Game of Thrones fandom after the...