Meta-owned instant messaging app WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that allows users to pin up to three messages in a chat. Earlier, users could only pin a single message in an individual or group chat. The pin messages appear at the top of the chat as a banner, and the most recent pinned message appears first in the banner. Further, users can tap the banner to view the other pinned messages.
How to pin a message
To pin a message on an individual or a group chat, Android users need to tap and hold the message that they want to pin. Then, they can tap more options > Pin > select the pin duration >Pin. iPhone users can tap and hold the message and then tap More options > Pin > select the pin duration. Users on the web and desktop need to go to the message and click menu > Pin message > select the pin duration.
Users can pin text messages, images, and polls. Once pinned, the message will stay at the top of the individual or group chat as banners for 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. If more than one message is pinned, the banner will show the number of pinned messages, and the most recent pinned message will appear first in the banner. Users can tap the banner to view the other pinned messages.
How to unpin a message
Pinned messages will automatically unpinned after the set duration. However, users can unpin a message anytime they want. Android and iPhone users can tap and hold the message, and after that, they need to tap Unpin > Unpin. Users on the web and desktop need to go to the message and click menu > Unpin > Unpin.
Pin messages in group chats
Group admins can pin messages in the group chat. In addition, admins can allow members to pin messages. When someone pins a message in a group chat, all users in the group will receive a system message indicating that a message was pinned with the name of the member who pinned it. Furthermore, users will not be able to view a pinned message if they join the group after the pinned message is sent, if they cleared their chat history, or if they deleted the message before it was pinned.
The feature to pin up to three messages is now available globally to all users across various platforms, including iOS, Android, web, and WhatsApp desktop. To access this feature, users might need to update their WhatsApp to the latest version.
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