Google Chrome, the world’s most widely used web browser, is now available natively for Windows on ARM devices. In partnership with Qualcomm Technologies, Google released the ARM64 version of Chrome in the Canary channel in January 2024. Now, it is being rolled out to the stable channel for compatible Windows on ARM devices. The release of the native Chrome browser on ARM devices comes ahead of the release of Windows PCs powered by the Snapdragon X Elite compute platform, which is expected to launch in mid-2024.
“We’ve designed Chrome browser to be fast, secure, and easy to use across desktops and mobile devices, and we’re always looking for ways to bring this experience to more people. Our close collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies will help ensure that Chrome users get the best possible experience while browsing the Web on current ARM-compatible PCs,” said Hiroshi Lockheimer, Senior Vice President, Google.
Cristiano Amon, President and CEO of Qualcomm Inc, said, “The new version of Google Chrome will help cement Snapdragon X Elite’s role as the premier platform for Windows PCs starting in mid-2024. The PC industry is on the cusp of an inflection point, and as we enter the era of the AI PC, we can’t wait to see Chrome shine by taking advantage of the powerful Snapdragon X Elite system.”
Previously, Google Chrome ran on Windows on ARM devices using the emulation layer, which consumed significant battery and memory resources. However, with the launch of the optimized version of Chrome on ARM devices, users will get improved performance along with a better battery life. Google Chrome for ARM devices is now available for all users with Windows on ARM devices.
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