I wanted to mention this thing in my post (on first page) but I actually deleted that in the drafting status only.
But, since you've mentioned this let me spill some seeds over this too.
Chinese Government does favor their own companies and startups over the FDI / Other Nation Native Companies. For Example, they favor Alibaba over ebay/Amazon. Same goes in any other industry.
But, why this can't work in the Indian Scenario?
Country /
TopicChina India Political Scenario China has Single party system. India has multiple party system. Each parties head dreams himself of becoming Prime Minister of India. Business Scenario China favors their own native companies more than US Companies or other nation companies. Indian Government favors the large group of people who belongs to specific religion / caste / community. This never worked on the basis of companies / origin of company / what citizen actually wants. One Nation One Aim China has one aim that is to compete whole world. They don't have insider differences. They aim to compete with USA, India, Pakistan (with political diplomacy), Russia and others. India is still competing max. with Pakistan in their free time. Max of the time, Indian Government is only competing with the opposition parties. (BJP vs. Congress mainly) Futuristic Scope China aims to become the Manufacturing Destination of the world, just like Singapore has become the Corporate/Banking destination (HongKong aims to compete with Singapore) India aims to become the agricultural destination. Long Story Short, future is Technology, Industry, Defense. Science is going to be some much advanced in coming years that countries which can't produce spices/pulses will be able to do so which in other words will affect India. Agriculture has no future scope. (Raghuram Rajan almost said the same in different example that country should move towards other things rather than agriculture). Basic Sense of doing business (Education) Chinese Businessman are a lot feared of their government and that's why the level of corruption in China is very different and least. Here, if you have political links within ruling or non-ruling parties. You can find out the work-around for your illegal businesses. (A lot of recent scams from corporate says the same). Implementation China does what they commit it. A common example, they ripped off whole long-bridge within 12 hours with the help of more than 100 bulldozers. It is still more than 10 years now but the GT Road of Delhi is still sh#t and broken.
Digital India: Epic Fail.
Startup India: I don't know if it even exists except for Papers.
Digital Banking: Do this do that? Doesn't work, Visit Branch.
Honest Voting: Recently only, a group of people have claimed EVM getting hacked.
etc etc etc....Total Score China has done what they think of. India has not able to implement the stuff what citizen wants. Instead it has only started the stuff which could be done later (all these demonetization, DTH Regulations, ecom regulations, unnecessarily changes in the taxes)
Feels really bad to say but India is far away from being the Number 1 in China in terms of GDP, Standard of Living, Quality of Life and a lot of stuff which makes a nation most suited for the corporate to enter and work.
Accounting system of India is obsolete, easy of doing anything in India starts with corruption.
P.S.: I'm a Proud Indian but I don't feel ashamed of how bad we are and how we are running away from the problems instead of fixing it.
I believe in learning from others and improve ourselves. Instead of saying, Pakistan made 100 Fighter Jets, We made 120.
I don't believe in saying, BJP did 7% GDP Growth and Congress only did 6.99% (Doesn't matter).
Reality Check: It should be India vs. USA, India vs. Russia, India vs. China.
What we do is: India vs. Pakistan or BJP vs. Congress.
None of the above Arguments
The only reason we are forced to do it are to help people like anil ambani and getting bribed with tons of black money.You asked me why so i gave examples.
BTW We are forced to do it because our HAL or DRDO is doing nothing, cannot even built a jet engine after spending bilions and more than 30 years.