As already announced by flipkart, the Big Billion Days will open for Flipkart Plus members 12 hours in advance, by 12 PM on October 15.
Flipkart has also been teasing a 36 hour PLUS SHOPPING BONANZA, applicable exclusively for Flipkart Plus members. Flipkart has now revealed the window for this special offer period.
These 36 hours, will be from 12:00 PM on October 15 to 11:59 PM on October 16th (technically, it ends by 12:00 AM on October 17, which is what the Terms and Conditions page says).
During this window, Flipkart Plus members are entitled to an Additional Discount of "up to 20%" on select products, offered at the discretion of the sellers and/or flipkart. It is not clear which products will come under this "up to 20%" additional discount offer though, as the wording on the Terms and Conditions page is extremely vague and ambiguous.
I, for one, am really hoping for it to be applicable for mobile phones too

(I don't think so, though

Here's the actual text from the Terms and Conditions page:
Under this Offer, Customers can will be eligible to purchase products from the selection offered by the Sellers at additional discounts up to 20%, as offered by them during the “Plus Shopping Bonanza” on the Platform, during Offer Period, ("Offer").
Full Terms and Conditions:
Plus Shopping Bonanza - Terms and Conditions