Meta-owned instant messaging app WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that allows users to record and send personal short video messages directly in the chat. Sending instant video messages is similar to sending voice messages. Users can share up to 60 seconds long videos with their WhatsApp contacts.
“Voice messages on WhatsApp changed the way people communicate by providing a quick and secure way to share your voice. We’re excited to build on this feature with new instant video messages. Now you can record and share short personal videos directly in the chat,” the company said in a blog post.
To send instant video messages, users need to tap the green icon at the bottom right corner to switch to video mode and hold to record the video. Users can also swipe up to lock and record the video hands-free. For the recipient, the instant videos will start playing automatically on mute when they open the chat. Tapping the video will start playing the sound.
Instant video messages are end-to-end encrypted for enhanced privacy. WhatsApp has started to roll out the feature to Android and iOS users and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.
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