Telegram has added a bunch of new features in its messaging app in a major update. The version 6.0 of Telegram app which started rolling out yesterday has many new abilities like chat folders, special corona emojis, statistics for channels and many more.

Users having lots of chats may find their chat list cluttered and difficult to handle, Telegram has solved this problem with new Chat Folders. The feature allows you to group different chats into a folder like office, home, etc. and easily swipe between the tabs to access any of your chats.
In the mobile app, Chat Folders are shown in tabs while on the desktop, they are shown in the sidebar. The folders have an unlimited number of pinned chats and as expected these folders sync across all devices.

Channel Stats is another new feature which is available for channels having more than 1000 subscribers. This option gives detailed statistics about what posts drive the most engagement and channel growth in general.

The messaging app has also added new animated emoji and new animation for video and audio recordings. New coronavirus related stickers are introduced as well which will appear in suggestions by typing 🦠in any chat.