Flat 5% Cashback on Airtel Prepaid recharges and bill payments of value less than Rs.100.
Min. Assured Cashback of Rs.20. (Every 100th user gets Rs.75 cashback) on all Airtel recharges and bill payments (Mobile Prepaid, Mobile Postpaid, DTH, Broadband/Landline) that are of Rs.100 or above.
Getting 20% Cashback for payments of Rs 100 or above - quite a good deal. Suggest you make multiple payments of Rs 100 as offer is valid for 6 times per user.
Source: India's leading provider of Prepaid & Postpaid Mobile Services in India - Airtel.in
(Click on Payments Bank link)
Min. Assured Cashback of Rs.20. (Every 100th user gets Rs.75 cashback) on all Airtel recharges and bill payments (Mobile Prepaid, Mobile Postpaid, DTH, Broadband/Landline) that are of Rs.100 or above.
Getting 20% Cashback for payments of Rs 100 or above - quite a good deal. Suggest you make multiple payments of Rs 100 as offer is valid for 6 times per user.
Source: India's leading provider of Prepaid & Postpaid Mobile Services in India - Airtel.in
(Click on Payments Bank link)