Good News! Necessary for health of industry, current pricing is impractical to sustain business. Though i am happy that unnecessary spike in internet traffic will decrease bcoz it brought along rage of problems but little worried too as till now people also used net to voice opinion which hardly gets space on media. Latter might get squeezed but hopefully not much. With operators in neck deep debt i would not be surprised if rates reach quite high in times ahead.
Also for those shopping on e-commerce sites availing heavy discounts, this case should serve as reminder that unhealthy competition to demolish or root out other players is never right thing to do. Yes, there can be freedom to have own business model but with certain govt policy checks. At last in long run consumers suffer and even livelihoods of employees of those working in affected companies or connected with it is a major concern.
Just on a brighter note, niche channels can hope to get viewership back for them, limited net means TV becomes prime source again for people. OTT players have thing or two to worry about, i think they will work out a way by partnering with mobile service operators