Well I hope you aware of it .. I too not a saint here yes I too done it yeah everybody had its devil's face inside .. one day it's displayed in my face too but with valid reason for poking me a with meme by unknown language (Hindi) against me but yes whatever its a utter wrong thing even I didn't realise it until unless Bapun bro insist here .. yes as always he's the soul to stop me in wrong doings ..
I Had been in this forum journey for almost 7 years till today i hope I didn't get any wrong name here apart from the hyper speech but it's my nature i can't hide keep or hide anything in my heart but other than that recently I also done this same mistake without knowing the consequences
i had a thought to apologise to the concern member openly yes I don't have any regret for this by having enemorous trust with my friends like you here .. Thanks buddy for make that situation
@Yashvardhan Jain bro & Team & To all the members of the forum -- my sincere apologies to you whatever I done to you and my speech in social media against you sorry for that mistake at the same time I wrote the reason also above that make me to do like that .. But I guranteed here to all my friends hereafter it won't happen one more time it didn't happened in my forum life except one time that exception is the only exception in my forum life .. Hope you all forgive me in this beautiful community
Thanks & Cheers!!!