Elon Musk has announced that Twitter will charge USD 8 (around Rs. 660) per month for the Twitter Blue subscription, which will come with the verification badge. Users who subscribe to Twitter Blue will receive a blue tick verification badge and other benefits, such as lesser ads and the ability to post longer videos and audio.
Elon Musk said in a tweet on Tuesday, “Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit. Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.” He further clarified that the Twitter Blue subscription cost will be “adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power parity.”
Alongside, Elon Musk also revealed several benefits that will be available to Twitter Blue subscribers. Blue users will receive priorities in replies, mentions, and searches, see lesser advertisements and be able to post longer videos and audio. There is also a paywall bypass for publishers who are willing to work with Twitter. Public figures will have a secondary tag right below their name, which is currently available for politicians.
Twitter Blue offered subscribers access to ad-free articles, an edit tweets feature (in select countries), and a customizable navigation bar. However, the benefit of the ad-free articles has been removed from the Twitter Blue subscription. According to Musk, this will create a revenue stream for Twitter and will be able to reward content creators.
For the unaware, last week, Elon Musk bought Twitter for USD 44 billion (around Rs. 3,63,700 crore).
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