Railwire Broadband launches new plans for Odisha with speed up to 200 Mbps

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By Abhinav Kumar

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Railwire, the retail Broadband initiative of the RailTel has added new plans to counter the growing competition from Jio Fiber. The new plans are offering speeds up to 200 Mbps at a starting price of Rs 499. A total of 15 new plans are added for Odisha circle and all of them come with a FUP limit, first spotted by OnlyTech.

The Rs 499 plan gives 150 GB of data at 10 Mbps speed, after exhausting this data limit the speed will be reduced to 1 Mbps. Both Rs 849 and Rs 899 plans allow 100 GB of data but the former one provides 50 Mbps speed with 1 Mbps post FUP speed while the latter offers a higher 75 Mbps speed which will be capped to 2 Mbps post FUP.

Rs 1699 plan provides 1000 GB data at 100 Mbps speed and the Rs 1099 plan gives 200 GB of data at 150 Mbps speed, data speed for these plans would be throttled to 2 Mbps after consuming the data quota. Another plan priced at Rs 1249 grants 400 GB data at 150 Mbps speed, post FUP speed for this plan is 4 Mbps.

Plan CostSpeedData UsagePost FUP
Rs 49910 Mbps150 GB1 Mbps
Rs 84950 Mbps100 GB1 Mbps
Rs 89975 Mbps100 GB2 Mbps
Rs 1699100 Mbps1000 GB2 Mbps
Rs 1099150 Mbps200 GB2 Mbps
Rs 1249150 Mbps400 GB4 Mbps
Rs 1199175 Mbps150 GB1 Mbps
Rs 1499200 Mbps300 GB4 Mbps
Rs 1899200 Mbps500 GB2 Mbps
Rs 2199200 Mbps700 GB2 Mbps
Rs 2499200 Mbps900 GB2 Mbps
Rs 2999200 Mbps1500 GB4 Mbps

There is a 175 Mbps speed plan priced at Rs 1199 with 150 GB of data limit, after exhaustion of this limit, the speed will be capped at 1 Mbps. Rs 1499 plan is cheapest for 200 Mbps speed, it provides 300 GB data and posts FUP speed to reduced to 4 Mbps.

Rs 1899, Rs 2199 and Rs 2499 plans give 200 Mbps speed up to 500 GB, 700 GB, and 900 GB respectively, after exhaustion of this data limit speed will be capped to 2 Mbps. The Rs 2999 plan has a higher post FUP speed of 4 Mbps, it offers 1500 GB of data at 200 Mbps speed.

Daily Data Plans

Railwire has also launched 3 plans with daily data limits. The Rs 649 plan gives 10 GB/day, Rs 749 plan offers 15 GB/day and the Rs 849 plan provides 20 GB/day.  These plans are having 100 Mbps speed which gets throttled to 512 Kbps post FUP. 

Plan CostSpeedData usagePost FUP
Rs 649100 Mbps10 GB/day512 Kbps
Rs 749100 Mbps15 GB/day512 Kbps
Rs 849100 Mbps20 GB/day512 Kbps

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Abhinav Kumar


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Abhinav is an editor at OnlyTech. He is a tech enthusiast who loves to read and write about new things. He spends most of his time tinkering with smartphones or computers when not writing about tech.

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