The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) today issued an amendment to Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) dated 15th June 2022 for the upcoming spectrum auction. The amendment has been issued to make corrections here and there in the NIA.
The earnest money in the form of a bank guarantee shall now be valid up to 31st December 2022 and extendable for a further period of six months at the request of DoT whereas the initial NIA mentioned its validity till 30th June 2023. The format for earnest money deposits has also been amended in line with the changes in earnest money deposits.
The payment options and procedure in NIA earlier mentioned that respective payments had to be done within 10 days of declaration of final price which has now been amended to within 10 calendar days of the issuance of the Demand Note by DoT.
The amendment also includes a change to Annexure F that carries the detail of carrier frequency put to auction.