Breaking Modi Cabinet approves 10 % reservation for economically backward upper caste sections (Parliament Passes Constitution Amendment Bill)

We OBC don't get reservation if income is more than certain limit. My parents both are in government jobs and my category is GM even though I belong to OBC.
Same here but general category. Dad is a Govt employee and is certainly earning less than 8lpa but this eligibility list also indicates one should have a house less than 1000sq ft. And our house is exactly 1000sq ft. So what now? Lol.
Again, when did i say i want RaGa? You're proving @barryallen to be correct. All i said was worry about the MP/MLA that you vote for and not who is going to be the PM. Thank you.

Bhai why are you going so offensive ? It was me who say vote for Raga an not you. And I show the problem at that post i face when I go to vote for Raga. I believe there are only two people who can become PM. Either Namo or Raga.
Vote for Raga. But problem is on oneside he talks about Rafale and AA relation in parliament whereas in Supreme court when Govt goes against AA, Raga's previous Law and science& Technology minister jumps in to defend AA at all possible manner. Good to see how politics works
Raga is not opposition's PM candidate.
The bjp guys just shielding him as PM candiate
Bhai why are you going so offensive ? It was me who say vote for Raga an not you. And I show the problem at that post i face when I go to vote for Raga. I believe there are only two people who can become PM. Either Namo or Raga.
No offence taken. You're right certainly but you should also note that there are neutrals who only care about development and not jumla, fake news, communal BS so it's vital that we choose our MP's carefully.
Haha another jumla.
They know that SC will deduct this rule in single hearing. But just want to show they are with common man just before 3months of election and after hindi heartland shock.

Then SC should also deduct rule regarding SC/ST/OBC also in a single hearing which are the current rules and make India reservation free like Bangladesh. If reservation is made for certain groups even if they are super rich then those are OK but if laws are made for general poor then it's illigal. Am i missing something ?
Then SC should also deduct rule regarding SC/ST/OBC also in a single hearing which are the current rules and make India reservation free like Bangladesh. If reservation is made for certain groups even if they are super rich then those are OK but if laws are made for general poor then it's illigal. Am i missing something ?
Yes, I agree with you. But that is not SC should do. If CG wants to do good things, they should says, this rule is common for all cast. But they wont. because they dont want to loose vote.

So as usual, Jumla will come into picture and publish that they are ready to do help for upper cast too, but SC is not allowing (Even they know the results of this statement). For me, its purely for vote bank (Eye wash)

This is making me to think further negative on BJP :clap:
I against all type reservation. Govt should give free education but no reservation. When I saw a candidate who is belong rich sc st family and he gave fees 500 rs and one other poor candidate which is belong General paid 1000/ we have feel pain .
I against all type reservation. Govt should give free education but no reservation. When I saw a candidate who is belong rich sc st family and he gave fees 500 rs and one other poor candidate which is belong General paid 1000/ we have feel pain .
Well said bro... Govt should provide free education , free medical . But all the schools, college and hospitals were with politicians :(
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