Data add-ons like ₹11, ₹21, ₹51 and ₹101 add on plans are available on Jio which gives you same validity as existing plans. ₹251 is a Work from Home plan which only gives you validity of 30 days.
Data add-ons like ₹11, ₹21, ₹51 and ₹101 add on plans are available on Jio which gives you same validity as existing plans. ₹251 is a Work from Home plan which only gives you validity of 30 days.
Yes thats the difference I considered for long duration plans like Jio's 1299(336 days) vs Airtel 1499 (365) where the cheapest add on per gb(₹5/gb) is 251 for both. Only major difference is in Jio it is standalone for 30 days whereas in airtel it gets the existing validity of plan (upto 365 days) which seems better for lower avg monthly data usage for long term plan
BSNL provides the same plan specs as Jio but for a higher cost, a year validity with 24GB data for Rs.1499. I recently recharged that plan for relatives number. They hesitated to portout so..
there is diffrence. 1299 from jio offer 336 days
where as 1499 bsnl offer 365days + during nov2020-march2021, same plan was offerred at 1199 for GP2, which was cheapest option to retain bsnl customer.
On the other side..
We have to pay about rs 110/- more to airtel yearly plan and less data also given in that pack compared to jio 336 days plan...Calculated per day basis...
For data jio also have rs 612/- plan 72 GB data + Disney+hotstar subscription..On that note if we need d+h then rs 399/- cheaper..Even not it's existing plan validity...