Suprise! Suprise! Mathews has better stats than Stokes in T20I
Batting Average:
Mathews: 29.08
Stokes: Just 14.76 !
Bowling Average:
Mathews: 28.69
Stokes: 48.50 !
Batting Strike-Rate:
Mathews: 119.24
Stokes: 136.17
Bowling Economy Rate :
Mathews: 6.74
Stokes: 9.03 !
Bowling Strike-Rate:
Mathews: 25.5
Stokes: 32.2
As you can see Stokes's bowling Average and economy rate is very high. Only his batting strike rate is better Mathews.
If you compare their stats from all the formats, you will notice that Mathews is a far better player than Stokes. Highly Underrated!