India’s one of the leading DTH service providers, Tata Play, has recently added Animax, PTC Play, and DistroTV to its OTT aggregator platform, Tata Play Binge. Users can access Tata Play Binge on their Smart TVs, PCs, Android and iOS devices, Amazon FireTV Stick, web, and the Binge+ Set Top Box.
For the unaware, Animax is a popular anime platform that features a variety of Japanese animation shows, movies, and original series. Some of the titles available on Animax include Naruto, Orient, Kuroko’s Basketball, Haikyu, Spy, and more.
On the other hand, PTC Play is a Punjabi entertainment platform that streams live TV, movies, music, web series, and more from the PTC Network, whereas DistroTV is a free streaming service that offers access to live TV channels across genres, including news, sports, lifestyle, entertainment, music, and more.
The Tata Play Binge plan starts at Rs. 299 per month and offers access to over 22 popular OTT apps, including Disney+ Hotstar, Zee5, Epic On, Sun Nxt, Docubay, and more. Users can watch content on up to four devices simultaneously.
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