ACT Fibernet revamps offerings in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

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By Basil Kannagi Arasu

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India’s third largest wired broadband service provider Atria Convergence Technologies had today made major changes to its broadband plans in and around cities in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana wherein it operates along with many other states. ACT has revamped the plans in Hyderabad, Guntur, Eluru, Nellore, Vijaywada, Vishakapatnam, and Tirupati. At the time of filing this story, the microsite for Kakinada, Rajahmundry, and Warangal was yet to show any changes.

ACT Fibernet revamps offerings in Andhra Pradesh

ACT Fibernet bumps up internet speed and monthly data benefits in Eluru, Vijaywada, and Guntur

ACT has revised the internet speed and monthly data benefits on all its broadband plans in Eluru, Vijaywada, and Guntur. ACT Silver has been upgraded to offer 50Mbps internet speed from the existing 40Mbps internet speed along with 750GB monthly data benefits up from the existing 400GB.

ACT Fibernet revamps offerings in Andhra Pradesh

ACT Silver Plus will now offer 1500GB monthly data benefits at 100Mbps internet speed up from the existing 500GB monthly data benefits at 60Mbps.

ACT Gold has been upgraded to offer 3000GB monthly data benefits at 150Mbps internet speed up from the existing 750GB monthly data benefits at 100Mbps internet speed.

The pricing of the broadband plans remains unchanged. For the unaware, ACT offers the same plans in both Eluru and Guntur. ACT Silver Plus and ACT Gold will now offer 1Mbps post FUP speed revised from the existing 512Kbps speed.

Plan NameExisting Internet SpeedNew Internet SpeedExisting Monthly Data BenefitsRevised Monthly Data Benefits
ACT Silver40 Mbps50 Mbps400GB750GB
ACT Silver Plus60 Mbps100 Mbps500GB1500GB
ACT Gold100 Mbps150 Mbps750GB3000GB

ACT Fibernet increases internet speed and monthly data benefits in Hyderabad

ACT Fibernet has upgraded the internet speed and monthly data benefits on its broadband plan above Rs 700 in Hyderabad.

A-Max 1075 has been upgraded to offer 2000GB monthly data benefits at 125Mbps internet speed up from the existing 1000GB monthly data benefits at 100Mbps internet speed.

A-Max 1325 meanwhile will now offer 3000GB monthly data benefits at 200Mbps internet speed upgraded from the existing 1250GB monthly data benefits at 150Mbps internet speed.

ACT Fibernet increases internet speed and monthly data benefits in Hyderabad

Incredible 1999 has been revised from the existing 1500GB monthly data benefits at 200Mbps internet speed to offer 3000GB monthly data benefits at 300Mbps internet speed.

ACT Giga has been upgraded from the existing 2000GB monthly data to offer 4000GB monthly data benefits. The rest benefits of the plan remain unchanged.

Plan NameExisting Internet SpeedNew Internet SpeedExisting Monthly Data BenefitsRevised Monthly Data Benefits
A-Max 1075100 Mbps125 Mbps1000GB2000GB
A-Max 1325150 Mbps200 Mbps1250GB3000GB
Incredible 1999200 Mbps300 Mbps1500GB3000GB
ACT GIGA1 Gbps1 Gbps2000GB4000GB

ACT Fibernet upgrades plans and streamlines offerings in Nellore

ACT has done away with its ACT Remarkable and ACT Extraordinary broadband plans at Rs 699 and Rs 999 respectively streamlining its offerings in Nellore.

ACT Platinum and ACT Diamond have been upgraded to offer 1Mbps post FUP speed from the existing 512Kbps speed. ACT Exceptional, ACT Phenomenal, and ACT Sensational will now offer 3Mbps post FUP speed instead of the existing 1Mbps post FUP speed.

ACT Fibernet upgrades plans and streamlines offerings in Nellore

ACT Gold will now offer 750GB monthly data benefits at 50Mbps internet speed upgraded from the existing 300GB monthly data benefits at 40Mbps internet speed.

ACT Diamond will now offer 1500GB monthly data benefits at 100Mbps internet speed revised from the current 600GB monthly data benefits offered at 60Mbps internet speed.

ACT Platinum has been revised to offer 3000GB monthly data benefits at 150Mbps internet speed revised from the existing 100Mbps internet speed and 1000GB monthly data benefits.

ACT Exceptional will now offer 4000GB monthly data benefits at 250Mbps internet speed revised from the existing 50Mbps internet speed and 600GB monthly data benefits.

ACT Phenomenal has been revised to offer 5000GB monthly data benefits at 250Mbps internet speed upgraded from the existing 1000GB monthly data benefits at 75Mbps internet speed.

ACT Sensational will now offer 6000GB monthly data benefits at 250Mbps internet speed revised from the existing 1250GB monthly data benefits at 90Mbps internet speed.

Plan NameExisting Internet SpeedNew Internet SpeedExisting Monthly Data BenefitsRevised Monthly Data Benefits
ACT Gold40 Mbps50 Mbps300GB750GB
ACT Diamond60 Mbps100 Mbps600GB1500GB
ACT Platinum100 Mbps150 Mbps1000GB3000GB
ACT Exceptional50 Mbps250 Mbps600GB4000GB
ACT Phenomenal75 Mbps250 Mbps1000GB5000GB
ACT Sensational90 Mbps250 Mbps1250GB6000GB

ACT Fibernet revamps offerings in Vishakapatnam

ACT has revamped its offerings in Vishakapatnam to offer better monthly data benefits along with upgraded internet speed.

ACT Silver will now offer 750GB monthly data benefits up from the existing 300GB monthly data benefit. ACT Gold will now offer 1500GB monthly data benefits with 1Mbps post FUP internet speed instead of 750GB monthly data benefits with 512Kbps post FUP internet speed.

ACT Fibernet revamps offerings in Vishakapatnam

ACT Diamond will now offer 3000GB monthly data benefits instead of the existing 1500GB monthly data benefits.

Plan NameExisting Monthly Data BenefitsRevised Monthly Data Benefits
ACT Silver300GB750GB
ACT Gold750GB1500GB
ACT Platinum1500GB3000GB

ACT Fibernet plans revamped in Tirupati

ACT Fibernet has done away with its ACT Platinum plan in Tirupati at Rs 999 while upgrading the post FUP speed on ACT Gold and ACT Diamond to 1Mbps from the existing 512Kbps.

ACT Titanium, ACT Chromium, and ACT Palladium have also been revamped to offer 3Mbps post FUP speed upgraded from the existing 1Mbps post FUP speed.

ACT Fibernet plans revamped in Tirupati

ACT Silver will now offer 750GB monthly data benefits at 50Mbps internet speed upgraded from the existing 300GB monthly data benefits at 40Mbps internet speed.

ACT Gold will now offer 1500GB monthly data benefits at 100Mbps internet speed revised from the current 600GB monthly data benefits offered at 60Mbps internet speed.

ACT Diamond has been revised to offer 3000GB monthly data benefits at 150Mbps internet speed revised from the existing 100Mbps internet speed and 1000GB monthly data benefits.

ACT Titanium will now offer 4000GB monthly data benefits at 250Mbps internet speed revised from the existing 50Mbps internet speed and 600GB monthly data benefits.

ACT Chromium has been revised to offer 5000GB monthly data benefits at 250Mbps internet speed upgraded from the existing 1000GB monthly data benefits at 75Mbps internet speed.

ACT Palladium will now offer 6000GB monthly data benefits at 250Mbps internet speed revised from the existing 1250GB monthly data benefits at 90Mbps internet speed.

Plan NameExisting Internet SpeedNew Internet SpeedExisting Monthly Data BenefitsRevised Monthly Data Benefits
ACT Silver40 Mbps50 Mbps300GB750GB
ACT Gold60 Mbps100 Mbps600GB1500GB
ACT Diamond100 Mbps150 Mbps1000GB3000GB
ACT Titanium50 Mbps250 Mbps600GB4000GB
ACT Chromium75 Mbps250 Mbps1000GB5000GB
ACT Palladium90 Mbps250 Mbps1250GB6000GB

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Basil Kannagi Arasu

News Reporter

1659 articles published
Basil keeps an eye on the latest happenings in the Telecom sector. You can find him streaming the Premier League, which he started watching in 2013, in his free time.

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