Hotstar Specials' Lootere, created by Shaailesh R Singh, is a crime-thriller that follows Vivek Gombar's Vikrant Gandhi, a Somalian...
Hotstar Specials
The show lacks in character depth and action, falling short of Special Ops' standards. Mohit Raina's intensity stands out, but...
The show is created and directed by Bejoy Nambiar and comes from T-Series Films' compound that stars Avinash Tiwary, Rohan...
However, the lack of experimentation with the medium is a huge disappointment. The show played like how any Bollywood comedy...
There is a clear difference that is noticeable from the initial frames. Most of the plotlines that form the crucial...
The Disney+ Hotstar original series hailing from Krish Jagaralamudi is adapted from Malladi Venkata Krishna Murthy's thriller novel "Thommidi Ghantalu"...
The streamer has lined up 40+ new and returning titles scheduled for this month. The prominent titles include Special Ops...
This weekend the platform put out its first-ever original content from the Telugu market under both Hotstar Specials and Disney+...