Bapun Raz said:
Well agree with you IM bhai, Galaxy S3 is far better than S2... If not then why samsung has released this mobile? They are not mad... Also waiting for a video from you..
Far better?I don't agree...It got only few new features rest are same.....
1) 4.8inch in S3 and 4.3inch in S2
2) Quadcore in S3 and Dual Core in S2
3) NFC,Smart stay,Extra battery,S Voice,Camera Brust mode (but there are apps in market for this feature and soon for smart stay also) and 1-2 other thing I don't remember
4) Super Amoled HD screen in S3 and Super Amoled+ in S2
5) Gorilla Glass 2 in S3 and Gorilla Glass/Gorilla Glass 1 in S2....Sadly/Weirdly GG2 in GS3 is weaker than S2 glass
6) TW5 in S3 and TW4 in S2......In Future S2 will/can get TW5 as a value pack..Like GS1 got without ICS update since it didn't support due to ram (well that is what samsung told)
Nothing else...Just for this changes I stopped my self from buying it and selling my BEAST S2! (and even If I plan to buy it than I need to get ready to get kicked out of home

IndianMascot said:
Raviteja said:
AsitPaul said:
According to article, you can Microwave this phone and it will not be damaged!
Another One for Asit Bhai
Lol......IM bro I hate you for getting S3

(I'm jelly :sp.....)
Bapun Raz said:
WoW.. Really shocking things :skd
But how it is possible? :huh Have you done any experiements till now IM bhai? :lol
LOL.......Samsung India is not as good as other countries Samsung branches..So replacement is VERY HARD