Here's a proper screenshot of the battery usage after a full charge around 10pm yesterday. The device still has 20% juice left after 24hrs of usage with almost 9hrs SOT. Looks like it will easily cross 6-7hrs SOT with heavy usage and/or 5G usage.
Yeah it lacks Dolby Atmos but it is not missed much because of the OReality Audio and Holo Audio sound effects. It gives good immersive audio experience.
No. I don't see 5.5G yet. Not sure if any update required from OP end or if it is location based and Jio haven't activated it in my location. I guess it would be the latter because I believe 13R supports 5.5G out of box. Let's see in coming days.
OReality naming seems like a Oppo marketing anyways good to know that it is working well. I would only pray that May the greengod be away from your phone in future updates!
Also great SOT there
No. I don't see 5.5G yet. Not sure if any update required from OP end or if it is location based and Jio haven't activated it in my location. I guess it would be the latter because I believe 13R supports 5.5G out of box. Let's see in coming days.
There isn't anything like 5.5G. It's Huawei only term. Even if it happens, it will be after two years when new midband spectrum will be deployed. Not now. But signal reception is better than any other phone except two phones. Moto Edge 50 Ultra and S24U. Samsung is improving lately on this front.
Green line issue is specific to displays manufactured by Samsung. It can happen to any brand mobile not just Oneplus. Also the issue is on the decline since the second half of 2023. If you look at the devices that gets green line, most of them are launched before that period.
I would also like to inform that Oneplus moved away from Samsung displays for its flagships starting from 12/12R. Now they are using BOE displays. 13 series is using BOE X2 display.
Whilst we all know where BOE or Jingdongfang electronics is situated. I will be planning on this phone after some time. Till then, great review yet again!