Discussion How are you spending your time during Lock Down Period?

I invented my fan complete 21 round aftar switch off
and in my bathroom swars 41 holes but 8 are closed

Woke up.
Watch little bit news on tv.
Brushed my teeth.
I had breakfast today after 3 months.
Found that the homeless cat I have been feeding might be dead.
Cried for like an hour.


Watched a webseries.
Watched Last week Tonight.
Reading news online.
Filed out BuzzFeed quiz. Found out. Jennifer Lawrence might be my ideal soulmate.

PS I only love Jennifer Lawrence only as a sister.


Discussing about the toll of world economy and debating why this lockdown is failing.
Tea and biscuits.
Watched series premier of VICE.
Watching Assamese news right now. You won't believe what I saw. Some guy violated lockdown to by something really important. You won't believe what it is.

It was Aachar.(pickle)
Work from Home even with extended hours.... on weekends spend quality time with family and kids by engaging in board games, carrom and watch some marvels movies with kids.

Woke up.
Watch little bit news on tv.
Brushed my teeth.
I had breakfast today after 3 months.
Found that the homeless cat I have been feeding might be dead.
Cried for like an hour.


Watched a webseries.
Watched Last week Tonight.
Reading news online.
Filed out BuzzFeed quiz. Found out. Jennifer Lawrence might be my ideal soulmate.

PS I only love Jennifer Lawrence only as a sister.


Discussing about the toll of world economy and debating why this lockdown is failing.
Tea and biscuits.
Watched series premier of VICE.
Watching Assamese news right now. You won't believe what I saw. Some guy violated lockdown to by something really important. You won't believe what it is.

It was Aachar.(pickle)
Detailed routine :ok2:
Made this in Evening
May not be Healthy

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