At a glitzy launch event in Mumbai on Friday, Huawei unveiled a new phone in its Honor range of smartphones: the Honor 4C. This was the first time anywhere in the world that Huawei showed off the Honor 4C. The new phone, which could be considered the younger sibling of the more expensive Honor 4X, is now available exclusively on Flipkart for Rs. 8,999.
As was the case with the Honor 4X (Review | Pictures) and the Honor 6 Plus (Review | Pictures), Huawei claims that the design of the Honor 4C was conceived in Europe by design experts. The phone does look strikingly handsome, especially from the rear. It is available in two colours, and the white variant of the phone looks particularly attractive. A crisscross pattern on the plastic rear cover feels really nice to touch and provides a good grip. However, the phone feels heavy at 162g especially when compared with competing smartphones in the same price range.