@Mystique Bro, what I thought in my mind Bapun Bhai and Shreyas Bro described above briefly. Main I came to tell the monthly gym rent. You just 50+. Then why gym as they said , you practice in house. I not tell myself proud (already discussed one) me a 39 years old guy

, nowadays I not doing any exercises. An doctor came to my shop and asked always. How it possible when I saw u at morning ,that u like night 9:30. And I maintain my weight 60 to 65.
And one. Nowadays lot of people not seeing them , see other and we also being like him. Why I said briefly, a 22 year boy in my shop with 80 kg. He go gym and left it. Then like u running. Then weight reduction centre, he spent 25 k. I scolded him a lot. Just few days back I ordered a powder to him online.
And one thing if we woke in morning six and do our routine, it's enough for fit. For my body shape I believe my grandfather and my mom a reason. They both a hard workers. Me also a lower middle class , I started my work ₹1 salary in my 4th std. Before had being gone school. And we don't compelle u . As a well-wishers we say. Best luck
