Balaji G said:
I knew this bla bla things. Jio network and the speed are good before it was opened to everyone. I used to get around 40mbps in my lyf phone those days. Now it's totally strange not even the speeds are same as my Vodafone 3G. Many times signal drop or total signal disappearance. Fortunately I didn't go for MNP, if I have gone then I would be fired by my clients.
CC is says it's free service why you are worrying about the network issue.
Vodafone customer care initially alerted me to not to go for jio, and they are not having strong network like Vodafone.
Whatever Vodafone said is coming true over days.
At a rate of average 20 GB per person per month, 15 mln Jio subscribers will generate
300 mln GB per month — many times more than the amount of data carried by all the subscribers of operators like Idea and Vodafone.
Even Bharti Airtel, India’s no. 1 operator, carried only around
45 million GB per month last quarter. Vodafone and Idea carry only around
27-28 mln GBs per month.
Reliance Jio to overtake Bharti Airtel in data traffic even before 4G launch - RTN.ASIA
And in recent report :
The company already has an estimated 20-30 mln data users on its network and is adding between 0.5 to 1 mln per day. This is not far behind an established operator like Idea, which has around 49 mln subscribers.
However, the key difference is in usage.
Each of these Jio subscribers are using around 1 GB of data per day; perhaps more on a Sunday like today.
In comparison, an average Idea Cellular data subscriber uses 22 MB per day. In other words, an average Jio customer is using between 50 to 100 times more data than an Idea customer.
Given that the price difference between Jio and Idea is only around 35% or so, this kind of huge disparity in consumption cannot be maintained once the new network starts charging for its services.
In other words, there’s very little chance that the same person who was using only 20 MB per day on Idea’s network would use 1,000 or 2,000 MB per day when he shifts to the new network.
According to our estimate, per-day consumption would be in the 100 MB range from Jan 1 onwards, when the company will start charging its users.
However, by then, the total number of users on RJio’s network will also double to 50 mln.
Yet — even after factoring in this increase in users — the total quantum of data flowing across the network would see a drastic fall – from 30 mln GB per day at present to about 0.5 mln GB (100 MB * 50 mln users) per day.
This kind of fall would immediately take care of any speed issues users may be experiencing now.
Slow Reliance Jio internet speed? Why changing 4G bands is of limited use - RTN.ASIA
So don't compare Elephant with ant