Breaking Government approves Ordinance on Death For Rape Of Children Below 12

Hope this clause didn't get misused for satisfying the personal, communal or caste vendetta

Already 2012 Nirvaya amendment is causing 100% rise in false cases so this will push that number further up to 200%. More over earlier you could get bail but now that door Also closed so 2-3 months jail is confirmed (until court gives Verdict) even if you are innocent
Kids sometimes say what their parents say. So this is a major threat for men. Men should stay away from kids. Especially girls. This will be misused by parents.

Nigeria, Sudan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UAE are some of the nations where such a law exists. We need this law to create sense of fear in the mind. Crime rate will go down on its own
Nigeria, Sudan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UAE are some of the nations where such a law exists. We need this law to create sense of fear in the mind. Crime rate will go down on its own
Crime will obviously go down. But it'll be misused for sure. Many genuine business men and politicians are already having trouble with women. They are simply raising harassment issues.
I am not sure how much crime will go down as genuine criminals don't care for laws.But there will be huge rise in fake cases which are already sky high.
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