Book Reviews & Recommendation


11 Apr 2023
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Book: Before Memory Fades
Author: Fali S Nariman

As he claims the memoir isn't about his personal life, it's all about his career.

It starts from his days in Burma before independence, ASG & his resignation from the office protesting emergency to his role as MP in the Rajya Sabha.

He spoke of Stalwart lawyers during the initial days in Bombay & dedicated some part of the book to the SC eminent chief justices Subbarao & Krishna Iyer.

I was expecting more details about the Keshavananda Bharati case & Inter-State river case, particularly the Kaveri river case, he represented Karnataka but he gave detailed interpretation of the Minerva Mill case only.

I was very curious about the Bhopal Gas tragedy for which he defended Union Carbide but he didn't refer to any reason for the tragedy & who were all involved.

I am surprised by his MP tenure in the Rajya Sabha & Reformation Bill he proposed, sadly they didn't pass.

Overall, it's a good book for those who are interested in the Constitution & law. It would be better if it's arranged in chronological order & lucid manner.
Good thread!I was searching for something similar,however i am mostly into fictions and political history books.
Book: The Less You Preach, the More You Learn: Aphorisms for Our Age
Authors: Shashi Tharoor & Joseph Zacharias

It's collection of 222 Aphorisms(a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth) is divided into many chapters with similar aphorisms in each chapter.

This is not a book to be read in one sitting, like read once a day when bored.

These sayings aren't new we may heard or read them somewhere but the collection is good we read & re-read them again.

Some of the Aphorisms I liked are,

1. Making the right decision too late is often worse than making the wrong decision early. You might still have time to correct your mistake.

2. Grief and healing both come from within. The most well-meaning friend cannot reduce your grief or promote your healing.

3. Our founding fathers wrote a Constitution for their dreams. We have given passports to their ideals
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