Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a Panjabi.I believe there is misconception here though my history knowledge is not good. Before Brits, Mughals already annexed many kingdom(almost 500 years before Brits) including Punjab and brought the shape on india
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a Panjabi.I believe there is misconception here though my history knowledge is not good. Before Brits, Mughals already annexed many kingdom(almost 500 years before Brits) including Punjab and brought the shape on india
Not it's not currently but Ambedkar wanted to make so he did not mention secular word in Preamble but congress destroyed it by modifying it and putting the word secular there.
Nepal was the only hindu country in world until recently but now situation is every other religion people like jews,christian,muslim, buddhist all have a country but not a single one for Hindus though it is the oldest one :verysad:
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a Panjabi.
Ranjit Singh had united Punjab ,which was divided into different misls.That a different issue but you were giving credit to Brits for uniting India and taking Punjab under control but in reality Mughals already did that long before brits. That's what i wanted to say
I thought you meant Ambedkar wanted India to be Hindu Rashtra.
From Hindians,their focus is now to make India,a pure Hindu only country.What can we expect from a puppets from Hindu masters
Meanwhile if u annonce like then don't ask tax money from any other religion people except Hindus .. surely modi won't accept this as a money looter(sorry grabber)![]()
Do any country having a official religion status do that? I don't think so.I mean a hindu in for e.g. Pakistan or Bangladesh don't pay taxes?Meanwhile if u annonce like then don't ask tax money from any other religion people except Hindu
First,Do you agree with this HC judge,'s statement?Do any country having a official religion status do that? I don't think so.I mean a hindu in for e.g. Pakistan or Bangladesh don't pay taxes?