Hotstar Specials' Lootere, created by Shaailesh R Singh, is a crime-thriller that follows Vivek Gombar's Vikrant Gandhi, a Somalian...
Reviews of products and services.
The show lacks in character depth and action, falling short of Special Ops' standards. Mohit Raina's intensity stands out, but...
The iPhone 15 is a significant upgrade for iPhone 11, 12, or 13 users, as it features a 4nm Apple...
The show is created and directed by Bejoy Nambiar and comes from T-Series Films' compound that stars Avinash Tiwary, Rohan...
We would like to rate the show a solid 4 stars out of 5 for the finesse in storytelling and...
Created by Kyle Bradstreet, the show captures the essence of the espionage setting by being bold and gritty.
Gaslight is a fresh take on the typical murder mystery which borders on the horror genre. Based on the plot...
With 5G now available for the Indian masses, we test mobile gaming and cloud gaming with the 5G networks available...