Bharti Airtel has emerged with the lowest voice quality across telecom service providers in March 2021 according to TRAI’s MyCall data. The TRAI data is based on crowd-sourcing through the MyCall app.

Idea Cellular led in terms of voice quality across TSPs with 4.6 out of 5, down from 4.8 out of 5 in the trailing month. Vodafone India scored 4.0 out of 5, down from 4.2 out of 5 in the trailing month. Bharti Airtel scored 3.8 out of 5, up from 3.6 out of 5 in the trailing month. Reliance Jio and BSNL scored 3.9 out of 5 maintaining their performance from the trailing quarter.
TSP | February 2021 | March 2021 |
Idea | 4.8 | 4.6 |
Vodafone | 4.2 | 4.0 |
Bharti Airtel | 3.6 | 3.8 |
Reliance Jio | 3.9 | 3.9 |
BSNL | 3.9 | 3.9 |
The consumers rated Indoor call quality rating at 4.1 out of 5, Outdoor call quality rating at 3.9 out of 5, and Travelling call quality rating at 4.1 out of 5. The call quality experience was rated Satisfactory by 80.38% or 21,305 customers, Poor Voice Quality by 13.03% or 3,453 customers, and Call Dropped by 6.59% or 1,746 customers.
Response | March 2021 | February 2021 |
Satisfactory | 80.38% | 83.96% |
Call Dropped | 6.59% | 5.62% |
Poor Voice Quality | 13.03% | 10.42% |
The customer feedback consisted of 36.8% customers from Reliance Jio, 23.3% customers from Airtel, 21.6% customers from Idea Cellular, 12.2% from Vodafone India, and 6% from BSNL.
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