Bharti Airtel has officially started to roll out its 5G services in eight cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Nagpur, and Varanasi. The company is calling it Airtel 5G Plus, and the customers can enjoy the services on their 5G-enabled smartphones with the existing 4G data plans until the rollout is complete. According to the company, the 5G services in these cities will be available in a phased manner as the company continues to construct its network and complete the rollout.
“Airtel has been at the forefront of India’s telecom revolution for the last 27 years. Today marks one more step in our journey as we build out the finest network to deliver the best experience for our customers. For us, our customers are at the core of everything we do. Our solution will therefore work on any 5G handset and the existing SIM that customers have. Airtel 5G Plus is all set to redefine the way people communicate, live, work, connect and play for years to come,” said Gopal Vittal, Managing Director & CEO of Bharti Airtel.
Airtel 5G Plus service promises to deliver up to 30 times higher speeds than current 4G technology with enhanced voice experience and faster call connection. The company also claims that Airtel 5G Plus network will be “kinder to the environment with its special power reduction solution.” Bharti Airtel will roll out the 5G services in key metros by the end of 2022 and will cover urban India by the end of 2023.
Currently, 5G smartphones from Realme, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Apple, and OnePlus support Airtel 5G Plus services. However, some handsets may require OTA software updates to support 5G services. A detailed list of Airtel 5G Plus ready smartphones is available on the Airtel website. In the future, more 5G smartphones will support the Airtel 5G Plus services.
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