if you cant find app installer goto apps -> show system apps -> scroll down till you see app installer. open it select local and install apk..
tried kodi failed. ill try with new apk from pc.
Installed all apk i had with me in a pen drive.
installed these apks
Then tried playing Plex through Kodi. Worked flawlessly
All 4K aac / truehd transcoded to Dolby without any issue.
Installed jio tv app but this is output
Opened prime video but video playback had issues.
Installed smart YouTube apk. 4K is playing well
Netflix only works with 480p, so any questions? all these were tried using 5Ghz wifi and not LAN. so all high bitrate videos play flawlessly.
i have STB with Tuner. anyone without tuner try it out and post below
tried kodi failed. ill try with new apk from pc.
Installed all apk i had with me in a pen drive.
installed these apks

Then tried playing Plex through Kodi. Worked flawlessly

All 4K aac / truehd transcoded to Dolby without any issue.

Installed jio tv app but this is output

Opened prime video but video playback had issues.

Installed smart YouTube apk. 4K is playing well

Netflix only works with 480p, so any questions? all these were tried using 5Ghz wifi and not LAN. so all high bitrate videos play flawlessly.
i have STB with Tuner. anyone without tuner try it out and post below
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