The payment comes after a U.S. appeals court
last May reduced a $930 million judgment
against Samsung by $382 million, stemming
from a 2012 verdict for infringing Apple
patents and copying the look of the iPhone.
Samsung fought until the bitter end to avoid
paying Apple, but the company now says it will
finally hand over the more than $548 million
it owes for infringing the patents and designs
of its biggest smartphone rival.
In papers filed in federal court in San Jose,
California on Thursday, Samsung Electronics Co
Ltd said it will make the payment by Dec. 14 if
Apple Inc sends an invoice on Friday. Asked if
it had done so, Apple declined to comment on
The payment comes after a U.S. appeals court
last May reduced a $930 million judgment
against Samsung by $382 million, stemming
from a 2012 verdict for infringing Apple
patents and copying the look of the iPhone.
Another trial over remaining damages relating
to some of Samsung’s infringing products in
the case is set to go ahead next spring.
Even though the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C. had
authorized damages to Apple in May, Samsung
again appealed the final figure to the same
court, and was rebuffed twice more.
Now agreeing to pay, Samsung told the San
Jose court that it expects to be reimbursed if it
eventually succeeds in a forthcoming appeal to
the U.S. Supreme Court over its liability for
copying the patented designs of the surface,
bezel and user interface of the iPhone, which
accounted for $399 million of the total award.
South Korea-based Samsung also said it
reserved the right to be reimbursed in the
future if a decision by the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office invalidating one of the Apple
patents in the case, related to touchscreen
gestures, is upheld.
Apple intends to appeal that ruling and said in
court documents it “disputes Samsung’s
asserted rights to reimbursement.” “We are
disappointed that the court has agreed to
proceed with Apple’s grossly exaggerated
damages claims regardless of whether the
patents are valid,” a Samsung spokeswoman
said in a statement.
Source: http://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-news-technology/samsung-to-pay-548-mn-to-apple-for-infringing-patents/