Xiaomi has confirmed it, that the Redmi Note 7 is launching in India on February 28. The Redmi Note 7 is expected to have a price of around Rs 12,000. The Redmi Note 7 Pro, meanwhile, is going to launch in March in China. Now a report says that the Redmi Note 7 Pro may come with a price tag of around CNY 2000, which means around Rs 21,000.
The latest report about the Redmi Note 7 Pro is based on a Weibo post by Xiaomi president Lu Weibing. Replying to a question, Weibing said that the Redmi Note 7 Pro will cost around CNY 2000.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro may launch at price of around Rs 21,000, Redmi Note 7 India launch on Feb 28