Breaking Petrol price down by Rs 10 in 6 weeks, diesel by Rs 8

Do u want the number of poor people who got new homes under PM Awas Yojana ???
Do u want to know how many poor people got LPG connections?
Do u want to know how many poor people got power supply in their houses???

I want to know. But not in this thread. But post with valid and strong sources from officially confirmed sources.

Waiting.. really I need this as I am planning to apply. It is been 15 days after you asked on your own.
@Anish Pai Waiting for your views on this...

The prices of both petrol and diesel were today raised by oil marketing companies. Petrol prices were up 19-20 paise in top metro cities. In Delhi, petrol today retailed at Rs 70.53 a litre – the third hike in five days. In Kolkata, petrol today retailed at Rs 72.62 a litre, in Mumbai Rs 76.15, in Chennai Rs 73.19 and in Bengaluru Rs 71.1 . Similarly, diesel prices today went up by 9-10 paise in top cities. In Delhi, diesel today retailed at Rs 64.47 a litre, in Kolkata Rs 66.23, in Mumbai Rs 67.47, in Chennai Rs 68.07 and in Bengaluru Rs 64.82.

Petrol prices hiked for third time in 5 days, diesel rates rise. Check today’s rates
I haven't followed this thread at all apart from reading the last 3-4 messages. Aren't fuel prices in India de-regulated and will keep changing everyday as per international pricing?
I am sure @Viki bro will create an another thread termed "Petrol price up by x rs and diesel by x rs" in few days :biggrin::wink:

one thing I like about current politicians is they are making each and every Indian(excluding kids - even thy also do sometimes) to talk about politics in last five years in a way my appreciation to them:nj::lol:I never seen people having this much anger openly I meant(TN) atleast:wink:
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Now it's proved reduced coz of election they ashame of Central Govt I***ts thinking we're are monkey throw bannana we'll dance ?? 😠😠😤😤😤😡😡

Kabbali da we have to give strong reply to them in General election 2019 😉😉👍👍
@Anish Pai why silence here :) Petrol prices are increasing... :) Lol
Its his post he will post only its useful for forum😂
He will again open a thread with "Breaking News" when petrol price reduces 5paisa.
Waiting.. really I need this as I am planning to apply. It is been 15 days after you asked on your own.
+1 Anna .. my mom asking details from very long abt this scheme but I don't have answer Everytime I'll say will Google and say like that .. last week she fed up and went to SBI bank without informing me 🤣🤣😅😅😴😴 .. so I'm also egarly want to know the elgiblity hope @Anish Pai throw some light 🤗🤗✌️✌️🤣🤣🤣
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