Google is also saying the truth, it can be a trojan also. What google is trying to say is that a trojan can also be named after that genuine Windows component
Google is also saying the truth, it can be a trojan also. What google is trying to say is that a trojan can also be named after that genuine Windows component
Bro, you didn't read that article. It has almost all the info you need.
How Can I Tell Which COM Object a COM Surrogate Is Hosting?
If you want to see this information, we recommend Microsoft’s Process Explorer tool.
Can I Disable It?
You can’t disable the COM Surrogate process, as it’s a necessary part of Windows.
Is It a Virus?
The COM Surrogate process itself is not a virus, and is a normal part of Windows. However, it can be used by malware.
COM surrogate processes are integral part of windows. Its a process which runs outside the original COM process which requests it. It helps reduce crashing of original COM processes.
Simplest way to find if its a legit process is to right click on the process and check its file location. If it takes you to C:\Windows\System32 its a Windows component and you are safe.
If you are so concerned about affected by a virus, use Malwarebytes AntiMalware or the software suggested by Sarkar bro above..