@Sarkar But bro, Star has bid aggressively which everyone knew it was huge than what was expected but its for the global tv rights along with the digital streaming rights and they could recover the same by all other means too inspite of their huge risk. It was their greedy nature that made them go for the entire complete package. Or else many others would have got the particular rights that they were interested in with Sony, Facebook, Google, Jio had bid for their tv broadcasting rights or digital rights respectively. It was star who wanted to grab everything. So they must be held responsible. Had the rights for each section was shared among each others then it would have not created a desperate situation for star which even made them to start a campaign against airtel which even most of us considered to be a cheap act by star.
Luckily I have got an Airtel wifi connection with 200 GB plan with which I could comfortably watch the whole IPL on hotstar along with my Fire TV Stick. And some have other dth and cable tv network to catch the IPL action. And few others from Airtel/Dish/D2H could even activate the channels on a-la-carte basis. But what mistake did the other common people who were eagerly anticipating IPL eagerly like every other season of the past. For the past 10 years, SPN offered Sony Max to most number of people by providing it in almost all base packs. And that trend would have continued even this year if the rights were shared between these business firms. Opinions might differ and I'm completely fine with that

This is just my point of view!