Seeking Help If the electricity grid collapes tonight. Will it damage our electronic items?

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That's the problem of some people because modi said this otherwise no one think about grid failure... same people switch off half hour during earth day ...
No one was worried until news portal started doing articles about grids collapsing. For a person with next to any knowledge about electricity grid. Wouldn't it be worrying?
People here in Punjab not following these type of stupid things like Thali Bajana etc. except lockdown even in our area today from every village of Gurudwara they announced that don't off lights of your home there is chance of grid failure.
It is common across the world that people take rallies with candles lit in support of or to protest against something. We in India have also seen such rallies in Nirbhaya and CAA issues. Lighting of diyas or candles are to show collectivism and solidarity. The current call of PM also falls in this category and it is nothing to do with any religion. Strange that some people are attaching astrological significance to it.
9PM for 9 min on 5/4 (5+4=9)
9+9+9=27(which is 2+7=9)
It has everything to do with astrology & sanatan Dharma. This is the only reason I will be doing this.
No one was worried until news portal started doing articles about grids collapsing. For a person with next to any knowledge about electricity grid. Wouldn't it be worrying?
First understand news portal agenda... engineer and govnmt official said that no problem for grid...but prople dnt believe them but believe news portal...
First understand news portal agenda... engineer and govnmt official said that no problem for grid...but prople dnt believe them but believe news portal...
Sir please confirm the reason why to do this ?? Is there any valid reason there except dictation or astrology connection ??
I have read all your viewpoints. Now let me say my point. We are educated enough to understand what is good or what is bad for us. Let's take the decision wisely. At the same time the astrological predictions too can be correct. Let's not panic and as @Siva bro said this too we will pass safely. Just do one thing. Keep the fan on and switch off lights. Everything will be fine.
After reading all the posts few explanations from my knowledge as an electrical engineer....

People are not concerned about such switch off on other days, but worried now because we are in lockdown and hence industrial and railway loads are almost 0 now. The plants and grids are already operating in low load. When further load drop happens it might cause trouble. That's what everyone is worried about.

This activity is just a token of solidarity. To show the unity in diversity. Sheeps or humans, solidarity matters. Let's not relate this to any religious or astrological reasons. This is just solidarity. Together we can. That's it. No politics, no religion, no astrology.

Coming to original query, the power grid will not collapse. They will have many alternative methods to balance loads - like capacitor banks, reactors etc. Also grids can distribute the power to other parts of the grid which is not electrically stressed by creating alternating paths between grids. The circuit breakers placed in various sub stations can be utilised for this.

And not all the 1.2b Indians gonna follow this. So the actual drop will not be as big as expected. Just the grids and plants are put on alert to handle if such situation arises. And they can absolutely handle it. Nothing to panic. And even if we consider a grid failure, it's not that all the grids gonna fail altogether. That will never happen. There are many safety measures before that. Right from the circuit breakers on your house to breakers on the poles to transformers to sub stations.

Switch off only the lights and that too in phased manner. Everything and everyone will be safe.

People started thinking too much as they miss the fast foods which keeps them dull.😂 Just sit back and relax. Don't think too much.
PM has requested us to celebrate this Diya Parv today at 9pm, only for 9 minutes only, not for 9 hours. This light will give us a strength to fight with Corona and will help us to feel that we are not alone. PM has requested us switch off lights only, not essential electric commodities like, TV, Fridge, AC, Fan even street-light, hospital light, factory light etc will be switch on.

But unfortunately, in this simple case, Politics has come. Very shameful!!! :damn: :angry2::wall::wall:
well well
I can only say nothing gonna happen
as Madan Bro said , Our plant has lot of safety devices
like in transformer there is CT, PT, Buccholz Relay
in switch Yard we have Various Protective devices like ACB, VCB, SF6 CB, Isolators etc.
in transmission distribution line we have Surge Diverter, Lightning arrester to protect the line
also Synchronous Motor, capacitor bank are used to maintain lagging power factor to somewhat close to leading power factor
and lastly Grids are always made up of to sustain such deviation in load( Peak factor always vary from Maximum Demand).
don't Worry guys. nothing wrong gonna happen
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