THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Aries Vismayas Max is targeting to give a new face to Malayalam cinema as well as Indian cinema, said Sohan Roy, film maker and owner of Aries Vismayas Max Studios. He was addressing a press meet as part of the inauguration of first Dolby Atmos Mixing Studio in the state at Aries Vismayas Max, Kinfra, near here, on Saturday.
“We are aiming at providing good infrastructure for the Malayalam movies and arranging a base for the post-production in our state itself. Our ultimate aim is to arrange a platform for more Malayalam movies to compete with international movies and make them enter into the Oscar competition,” he said.
The first Dolby Atmos mixing suit in the state was set up at Aries Vismayas Max studio, belonging to Aries Group, which had taken over the Vismayas Max Studio of actor Mohanlal. Film maker B Unnikrishnan is the managing director of Aries Vismayas Max.
“In the research and development project study we had conducted, it was found that the Malayalam film industry has a wide gap of 20 years with the Hollywood. We are targeting to reach them in the next five years. The upgradation of this studio is part of that project,” Sohan Roy said. He said that the next phase of the project was the upgradation of the theatres in the state. “Around 200 multiplexes are in the pipeline and out of that around 30 are ready. We are planning to include selected NRIs for the implementation of this project as a ‘Branding House’ in their homeland,” he said. The studio will take the initiative to sent at least 10 entries to the musical movies section for the Oscar Award, he said.
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“We are aiming at providing good infrastructure for the Malayalam movies and arranging a base for the post-production in our state itself. Our ultimate aim is to arrange a platform for more Malayalam movies to compete with international movies and make them enter into the Oscar competition,” he said.
The first Dolby Atmos mixing suit in the state was set up at Aries Vismayas Max studio, belonging to Aries Group, which had taken over the Vismayas Max Studio of actor Mohanlal. Film maker B Unnikrishnan is the managing director of Aries Vismayas Max.
“In the research and development project study we had conducted, it was found that the Malayalam film industry has a wide gap of 20 years with the Hollywood. We are targeting to reach them in the next five years. The upgradation of this studio is part of that project,” Sohan Roy said. He said that the next phase of the project was the upgradation of the theatres in the state. “Around 200 multiplexes are in the pipeline and out of that around 30 are ready. We are planning to include selected NRIs for the implementation of this project as a ‘Branding House’ in their homeland,” he said. The studio will take the initiative to sent at least 10 entries to the musical movies section for the Oscar Award, he said.
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