Sack entire team? But the same team is the one which deserves credit for excellent quality in all aspects as well as managing things pretty well on most fronts. Sony is 2nd to Star interms of having profit or revenue, guess there was some article published regarding it few months back.
Well bhai, they r performing or putting in right effort but its the viewers who should take most of the blame. Remember why Le Plex or Rox had to shut down? Wasn't Sony trying to give us excellent content with top notch broadcast quality? Even look at Sony Pix or BBC Earth, both r having good library of shows/movies but why r viewers not opting for it? Reason is simple Star India , Viacom18 or Zee has stronger connect among people bcoz they have wider bouquet of channels across genres hence people put them in top of priority while sadly Sony gets left out. AXN or English GEC underperforming is a different story and already analysed in detail by me on previous occasions.
By the way , u do not get to know of shows on AXN bcoz of not being promoted well or bcoz of ur busy schedule? If u r forgetting to record which means u know about the show but cannot watch it on original timing, Sony cannot do much about this. Regarding promoting shows, they do so on their premium channels and sometimes even on regular channels but one should not expect big budget promotions as audience base is minimal which leads to limited earnings.
Coming to point of why they air movies , well it is simply to get more viewers tuning into their channel. Remember English Movies get 8 or 10 times more eyeballs than a regular English Entertainment program. This is not only bcoz people love watching movies but there is a sizeable chunk which despite knowing less or not understanding language at all , finds it interesting to watch the amazing action scenes or nicely put together animation stuff. Also flagship shows do air on AXN but they have certain niche properties which r exclusively aired on HD channels to create an added advantage.
Regarding BBC Earth, well i do agree they should include it in Basic version of Happy India Packs but they r inclined towards providing it a more premium look and urging people to pay little more for rich content offered on it