Caution for business users. Please stay away from these keys as they are unsuitable for business environment. These are MSDN keys which people can generate for their organization with a clear clause to NOT SELL THEM.
Here is where it gets tricky: If you install it on your Office or Business PC, it will activate Windows correctly. But if your business or company is raided by Microsoft agents, they ask for proof of purchase and buying keys through Flipkart/Ebay/AnyRandomSite is not the correct channel of purchase. So in short, Your Windows is genuine but your license is invalid. Which is equivalent to piracy. Microsoft also deactivates these keys if they find that they are getting sold or seller’s subscription of MSDN is over.
It’s not much issue if you are using for home as MS will unlikely raid your house. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you suddenly find ‘Windows is not activated’ message on your screen.