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Japan Habba 2022 online event - posted late this time like last year even this year they kept the event online this years theme is Waza - Japanese word for skill and added more event contests. it started from yesterday today 9th apri is 2nd day tomorow 10th april is last day . i posted in this thread as i ended up posting late compared to last year i post earlier so decided then to post it as separate thread. this year event seem to be much more bigger compared to last years
According to Jetsynthesys survey report 83% of Indians Prefer Anime over all other type of animated contents. they published the survey on Anime consumption in India on occasion of World Anime day .
top 3 popular anime in survey where Naruto got 48% votes, 38% favoring death note and 38% inclined towards Attack on Titan
other et article seem to use bias word instead of prefer they could have used other word for synonym as its a report they should be neutral like the report .
when i see this type of fan animation anime style i get inspirational hope in Indian animation future, this fan animation done by Indian mangaka jazyl homavazir credits to him , and there are several others who get inspiration to start by themselves being an independent artist doing by himself and collaboratingng with other artist in other country for music and song efforts
Mob Psycho S3 - trailer explains why Muse Asia started uploading Mob Psycho 100 S1 in their official Muse India YouTube channel from few day back daily