Indian telecom service provider Bharti Airtel has announced that it has launched its 5G Plus services at the Pune Lohegaon Airport. According to the telco, it is the first airport in the state to include ultrafast 5G services. Recently, Airtel also launched its 5G Plus services at Terminal 2 of Bengaluru Airport.
“I am thrilled to announce the beginning of a new chapter in Maharashtra as Pune International Airport becomes the first airport in the state to have the Airtel 5G Plus services. While at the terminal, customers can now access superfast access to High-Definition video streaming, gaming, multiple chatting, instant uploading of photos, and more. I thank the authorities for all the support extended to make this project live,” said George Mathen, CEO, Maharashtra and Goa, Bharti Airtel.
Airtel 5G Plus services at the Pune Lohegaon Airport will allow passengers to experience high-speed 5G connectivity on their devices, whether they are at the arrival or departure terminals, lounges, boarding gates, migration and immigration counters, security areas, baggage claim belts, parking area, etc.
Last month, Airtel rolled out its 5G services in eight cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Nagpur, and Varanasi. The telco also recently launched its 5G Plus services in Gurugram and Panipat. Customers with 5G smartphones can enjoy Airtel 5G Plus services on their existing data plans in these locations.
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