Telecom service provider Bharti Airtel has announced the launch of its 5G Plus services in Agartala and Dehradun. Airtel has said that the 5G Plus services will be available to its customers in a phased manner as it continues to construct its network and complete the rollout. Airtel 5G Plus promises to deliver up to 30 times higher mobile internet speeds than 4G, along with a better voice experience and faster call connection.
Airtel 5G Plus services in Agartala
In Agartala, the Airtel 5G Plus services are Currently operational at Tripura Secretariat, Chowmuhani Bazar, Santipara, Durjoy Nagar, Jogendra Nagar, Amtola, East Champamura, Rani Bazar, Mohanpur, Chandrapur, Indranagar, Sib Nagar, Kanchan Nagar, Khayerpur, and Madhya Charipara. The company said it will augment its network across the city in due course of time.
“I am thrilled to announce the launch of Airtel 5G Plus in Agartala. Airtel customers in Agartala can now experience ultrafast networks and enjoy speeds up to 20-30 times faster than the current 4G speeds. We are in the process of lighting the entire city which will allow customers to enjoy superfast access to High-definition video streaming, gaming, multiple chatting, instant uploading of photos, and more,” said Rajnish Verma, CEO Assam and North Eastern States, Bharti Airtel.
Airtel 5G Plus services in Dehradun
In Dehradun, the Airtel 5G Plus services are available at Transport Nagar, Chandrabani, Balawala, Miyawala, Dehrakas, Patel Nagar, Paltan Bazar, Niranjanpur, Sewla Kalan, Garhwali Colony, Saundhon wali, Aman Vihar, New road Race Course, Mothrowala, Ekta Vihar, Chakrata Road, Rajpur Road, and Prem Nagar. Airtel will expand its 5G services across the city in due course of time.
Commenting on the launch, Sovan Mukherjee, CEO Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, Bharti Airtel said, “I am thrilled to announce the launch of Airtel 5G Plus in Dehradun. Airtel customers in Dehradun can now experience ultrafast networks and enjoy speeds up to 20-30 times faster than the current 4G speeds. We are in the process of lighting the entire city which will allow customers to enjoy superfast access to High-definition video streaming, gaming, multiple chatting, instant uploading of photos, and more.”
Airtel customers with 5G devices can avail of the Airtel 5G Plus services on their existing data plans until the rollout is complete. According to Airtel, the 5G Plus services now work on all Android and Apple supported 5G devices, and no SIM card change is required to get the Airtel 5G Plus services.
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